This is a world-class retreat for leaders bringing together the best in leadership development with the best in cycling.
We grow through in-sight, which either comes through experience or by asking ourselves the questions which reveal our most penetrating truths.
What better way to ask yourself life's most important questions than by putting some miles under your belt, allowing yourself to be inspired by the landscape and fuelling your contemplations with endorphins?
... Self-powered, self-empowerment.
I have had the good fortune of helping hundreds of thousands of individuals and organisations find and live their Purpose, Throughout the retreat I will take you through the key questions which help you discover your Purpose and give you new ways of embedding that into your work and the transformation of your organisation.
These questions act as 'search engines' for the conscious and unconscious minds so that the answers you give are inspiring and go beyond your current state of awareness.
The bike rides give you the time and space to mature your contemplations and develop the insight which drives real, sustainable change for the better.
Every evening we share insights, discover how to implement them and sit down to a great meal.
Richard is an award-winning change leader has been leading individuals and organisations through transformational change for 25 years. His clients include Google, Unilever, Coca Cola, Procter and Gamble, The European Union and many others. He is the author of “The 7 Questions to find your Purpose” and the forthcoming book and tv series “Rides of Passage; life lessons from the road”.
Find out more about Richard: ,
A lifetime’s learning of what drives personal and organisational transformation condescend into 4 days in some of the world’s most beautiful and elegant environments.
This is literally the ride of your life.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Einstein said "It's not that I am so smart, I just stay with a problem longer".
I have spent years honing and refining ways of developing penetrating insight. I have discovered that there is an alchemy in blending the right question with the right experience.
Cycling and the 7 Questions is such an alchemy.
One journey really can change your life.